Off Canvas auto close on ajax Filtering

I use HUSKY WooCommerce Products Filter Professional and after I enable ajax filtering option Off Canvas closes automatically. How can I make Off Canvas stay open permanently until I press the Search button. This will make the filter on my site better.

Here is my web:

You can test it on mobile version


  •   /**

       * Ajax | Complete


      $(document).ajaxComplete(function() {

       setTimeout(function() {



       }, 100000);


    I found a way with changine file - betheme/js/scripts.js

    I chagne the time to - 100000 and i think its works for now. If there is more professional way doing that please write it :)

  • Hi,

    Sorry, but we did not test this plugin with the theme. Our policy states that we do not support third-party plugins or custom code, so, unfortunately, we cannot help you.

    Also, we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones we support. You can find the list on this page:


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