Layer images link not working
Issue 1: All of a sudden layered images link not working. Here's the website:
The explore now button should take to the shop page and USDA Organic button should take it to another page. But for some reason it is not working,
Though the links are properly there in the back-end.
Issue 2: The slider should not be visible in the mobile. It is set accordingly in the back-end. Though it is showing in the mobile browsers.
Fast help would be appreciated very much.
1. Which layer images you mean? Are you talking about Revolution Slider or what? Because we do not see any "Explore now" button.
2. As we see, slider is not responsive at all. Looks like something bad happened with slider files or someone changed settings. We recommend to check slider options and if you are sure that all is fine, we recommend to re-install slider files or try to upload slider to recent 5.0 version.
Because it's external plugin, all you need to do is follow the instruction from WooCommerce documentation.