Mes vidéos ne veulent plus s'afficher


J'ai créé un popup pour afficher des vidéos de témoignage sur mon site. J'ai créé un popup de base que je duplique et que je modifie. Arrivé au 8ième popup, plus aucun de mes popup n'affiche la vidéo mais un écran noir.

L'url de mon site est

Pouvez vous me dire comment résoudre le problème s'il vous plait ?

Merci par avance

Bien cordialement


  • Hi,

    We provide this forum in English only.

    Please rewrite your message in English.


  • Hello

    I've created a popup to display testimonial videos on my site. I created a basic popup that I duplicate and modify. By the 8th popup, none of my popups display the video but a black screen.

    My site url is

    Can you please tell me how to solve the problem?

    Thanks in advance

    Best regards

  • I have downloaded one of your videos to my environment, and it works properly.

    It also works in Popup:

    It could mean that some plugin or your server blocks that. Please disable your plugins one by one to see if none of them is the culprit. If it does not help, contact your hosting provider regarding this issue.

    Best regards

    PS. I noticed that your videos are large. I suggest to compress them for a better performance.

  • Hello

    I've deactivated all the plugins I can do without and I still have the same problem. 

    Here's an example of what's happening, even though it worked perfectly when I first set it up, and this is the problem I've been having since my first message.

    Best regards

  • So it could mean that it is caused by your server, as I showed on my screenshot it works correctly when I uploaded your video to my environment.

    Best regards

  • Yes it's ok with one element. But it disnt work with multiple videos

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