WooCommerce Filter View repeats ingredients when you select a filter variable
My woocommerce shop template looks fine when filter variables aren't selected - but once you select variables, it repeats the shop contents twice. This happens for all variables, with no obvious explanation. (The product pages aren't duplicated, and the shop template doesn't have two shop 'sections'.)
Can you please help me figure out why this is happening?
Please turn off all of the plugins, refresh your cache, and check if the problem persists.
Moreover, if you use a child theme, switch to parent, and recheck it.
I tried your suggestions above, and the issue persists.
I deactivated all plugins except WooCommerce, turned off my child theme, updated Betheme & WooCommerce, and refreshed the cache, but the behavior remains the same.
What seems to be happening is that every time I click a filter button, the product loop is run with modified values, but it contains products from the previous loop. The post query gets bigger and bigger, instead of replacing the previous set of products returned.
I have sent my credentials through the muffin forum portal, so you can easily log on and try to diagnose the issue.
Thank you for sending access, but to check that, we need FTP access as well.
Please send it as you did with WP access.
Hi Phil,
Thanks for taking a look at the above issue. You should have my FTP access credentials in the portal.
I noticed another bug while troubleshooting. The muffin builder interface wouldn’t show up after I updated BeTheme/Wordpress and removed my child theme. See the log below:
Is there a change to the function call has_weight()? This error didn't occur in prior versions, I'm not sure if it popped up because of the changes to WC or BeTheme.
I left the site with the BeTheme theme activated, but if you need to compare the two, the child theme we are using is called "Artemas Child." Activating that child theme makes the MuffinBuilder interface work again.
The child theme also modifies the margins and text placement on the WooCommerce filter view page, but this has no bearing on the loop issue described above. The loop issue persists, whether the child theme or BeTheme theme is active.
Sorry, but FTP login credentials you sent are not working:
Are you sure that they are correct?
Best regards
Hi Phil,
Please try the credentials I sent you again. It looks like you are using the wrong port number - the correct number is "2222"
I used both with 2222 and 22 and neither worked.
Best regards