I don't want to use BeBuilder but I cannot figure out how to use Elementor instead

I loaded your theme today and there does not seem to be any option to edit with Elementor. I installed one of your demos and I've been using BeBuilder to edit it and I hate it. I want to use Elementor Pro to edit it like I do on the rest of my websites. How do I get your theme to run Elementor Pro as my editor?


  • Hi,

    You must install a pre-built website with the Elementor version:

    Can you please provide details about what you do not like in BeBuilder? Thousands of our customers have already switched to it from Elementor because it is more stable, faster, and customizable.


  • edited August 29

    That's what I was afraid of. When I purchased BeTheme it said "Full Elementor and Elementor Pro compatibility." I thought that's what it actually meant. I see now that about 2/3 of your prebuilt demos are not compatible with Elementor and must be edited using the BeBuilder. This is a big setback for me as I've already sold the design idea to my client and burned a full day attempting to develop on a site that I will now have to rebuild from scratch.

    The BeBuilder has bad UI/UX. It looks like Elementor, but does not function like Elementor. When clicking into an element to edit, the options menu appears within the box being edited and cannot be moved, sometimes covering portions of text and other objects in the visual builder. White text shows up white on the white background in the right-hand pane, so it cannot be seen without highlighting it, requiring such text to be edited in the HTML text editor instead.

    Some elements of the imported demo appear to be coded, and cannot be effectively edited using BeBuilder. These elements lack the ability to change background photos in the editor and require text edits in HTML. They will have to be rebuilt for my site, which defeats the purpose of buying a theme.

    BeBuilder is far less intuitive and generally lacks many of the features that Elementor has, especially Elementor Pro. It's like using a broken, clunky version of Elementor. The best thing about Elementor is its compatibility with all sites built with it, regardless of theme. I'm sure that BeBuilder is great for folks who want to build and maintain one site and don't need to make any custom changes to a demo. It is not great for devs who rely on the consistency of products like Elementor to maintain a cohesive portfolio of many sites that can each be edited and managed quickly and efficiently.

    I'm probably being overly critical due to my circumstances, and I really like what you've done with some of the demos. The theme is beautiful and has a lot of potential. I just wish I'd realized all this earlier in the process so I could have gone a different direction.

  • I'm sorry to hear that you're not satisfied with your purchase, but let me address your concerns.

    Rest assured, BeTheme is fully compatible with Elementor and Elementor Pro. It seamlessly integrates with their functionality, ensuring that any content created in Elementor on another theme will work just as well after switching to BeTheme. Our BeBuilders do not override Elementor Pro templates or disrupt their operation, allowing you to choose the builder that best suits your needs.

    I apologize if a specific pre-built website is unavailable in the Elementor version. However, every new demo released since late 2020 is available in both versions. We clearly indicate this before purchase with the Elementor icon so that every buyer can make an informed choice:


    Some older BeBuilder pre-built websites may contain nested elements that were not possible to create with the technology available when the demo was created. Currently, using any HTML code is not required. In recent years, we have introduced numerous options for creating complex layouts, such as Nested Wraps, Global Wraps and sections, Query Loops, and many more.

    We encourage you to explore all the features of the theme presented on our YouTube channel:


    We're here to support you in your journey with BeTheme. Whether you decide to give our builder a try or opt for an Elementor pre-built website, we're confident you'll find what you need. If you ever need assistance with BeBuilder or are looking for a specific tutorial, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

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