Hamburger Menu No Longer Work and Sometimes Freezes Site

Over the weekend our hamburger menu stopped working at some point. Sometimes it freezes the entire site and sometimes just nothing happens but it never works anymore. I checked the devTools console so see if any errors were triggered when the menu is clicked but there were no extra errors. I also checked the Network tools and again saw nothing at all when the menu was clicked.

The issue occurs on mobile and on desktop when testing as a phone layout with devTools. The issue is also occurring on our staging site as well.

Our main website is where BeTheme is 27.5.4

Our staging website is where BeTheme is 27.5.5 (Tried update this morning but still not working)


  • I contacted our hosting provider and they reverted our theme to 27.4.5 and now it works fine. I disabled every plugin on our staging site while we were still on 27.5.5 except for the woocommerce plugin and some necessary plugins that would break the site and nothing fixed the issue. Is there any update on any plugins that break the latest version? For extra reference I'll include the status of our server and wordpress environments here.

    PHP Version 7.4.33

    PHP Memory Limit: 1 GB

    PHP Time Limit: 90

    PHP Max Input Vars: 3000

    WP Version: 6.6.1

    WP Max Upload Size: 1 GB

  • In the changelog for 27.5.4 it says "Sidebar Menu Builder - Remove duplicates if there is more than one burger menu with the same menu"

    We have a custom header and depending on the screen size there are multiple headers that can show up. 2 of them have a hamburger menu. Both point to the same menu but only one of the headers is shown at a time. Could this be the issue? I could be completely misinterpreting this "fix" but I would still like to be able to use the different headers and have them work.

    Just trying to figure out where the issue is coming from.

  • It does look like the way it was originally set up is that there is a header for mobile devices and a header for all other devices. Both header instances have a hamburger menu that has the same menu that appears which is why that changelog seems to relate to our setup.

  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • Thank you for reaching out @Phil I have set everything up for you but am having an issue with my envato account login now. While I work through that with Envato is there another location where I can contact you from that would be secure and private?

  • Any message has to be sent through Envato's contact form due to security reasons as login details are sensitive data.

  • @Phil Credentials were sent. Additionally sent another email with a request to respond about the issues to the development email instead of the email associated with the envato account. Thank you for looking into this.

  • @Phil just received the response email and tried the update. It all looks like it is working much better now. The email was sent to a different email than was requested so I cannot respond there but thank you for getting an update up for that this week.

  • No problem, happy to help!

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