Problem PHP Template with plugin polylang


When I try to translate one of my templates (with the plugin polylang), such as the header in English for example, it creates a PHP error in the theme editor (see video:

Do you have an idea of what's going on and how to solve this problem?

Thank you in advance for your reply,



  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

    Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.

    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • As i explained in other topic, access details you sent, doesn't work. Please send private message again with correct login details and link to that topic so our team member know to who pass all details.

  • I can see that you do not have the newest version of Betheme installed.

    Please update it and check if the problem persists.

    Moreover I can see that you use plugins that we do not support, so if update do not help, check if issue still occurs with plugins disalbed.

    You can find a list of compatible plugins here:

    Best regards

  • I confirm the problem persists. And I confirm the plugin PolyLang is in the list of your compatible plugins.

    Can you have a look ?

  • I know that Polylang is on the list of supported plugins, but you use others we do not support.

    Anyway, it does not seem to be a Betheme problem at all. All your pages show a 404 error, and there are some problems with your htaccess file.

    The same thing happens with another theme (Twenty Twenty-Four).

    You should contact your hosting provider to correct that.

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    Unfortunately, you tried to log in at the exact same time as our work on permalinks and HTaccess. We apologize for the inconvenience !!

    You shoud be able to log in now.

    Regarding our problem, here is what we have done :

    • we have uninstalled all the plugins,
    • we have redesigned Header + Footer template + homepage that have "just" disappeared for an unknown reason.
    • We have reactivated Polylang.

    For the pages, it seems to be working. However, for templates like the Header and the Footer, it is not functioning (cf screenshot below). And currently, all the plugins are unactivated except polylang.

    Additionally, do you have an idea about why all our contents and settings on the templates, categories, and homepage were emptied ?

    If you make any changes, can you tell me what kind of changes you make, so that I can track any further bug.

    Many thanks in advance for your help !

  • The fact that in templates BeBuilder, the PHPINFO file appears means that you have something misconfigured, probably within .htaccess.

    As I mentioned in my previous message, please contact your hosting provider regarding this.

    Best regards

  • OK I just solve the problem on the htaccess file and the system status is now ok (cf screenshot), but the problem persists :

  • Your permalinks are set to Plain.

    Please change it to any other, e.g Post name, and recheck this.


  • Hello,

    This problem with the permalink is now solved.

    But I still have a problem. Here is what I have done :

    • I have unactivated all the plugins
    • I have redesigned the template for the footer + header + homepage (who had disappeared for some dark reasons...)
    • I check everything and it was all fine : I could open the pages, templates, articles with BeBuilder
    • I activated the polylang plugin (and only this plugin)

    Now I cannot open the templates and pages I created with BeBuilder. Here is what I have :

    Can you help me ?

  • if I desactivate Polylang, the problem now persists...

  • Also, when I activated polylang, when I open an article, I can no longer apply a category.

  • And also, the articles were fine before activating Polylang.

    and now they don't work anymore :

    All these various problems occur as soon as I activate polylang... from the start...

  • OK I think I've found the problem : when I activate polylang, the htaccess is modified.

    So, the problem is not the theme. It's just that the plugin polylang modifies the htaccess, which causes problems on the theme and on the website in general...

  • Plugins that modifies .htaccess always play tricks. I am glad to see you found the culprit.

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