
I have added my social media in the footer using the "normal" widgets and social media icons. This does work for me but I do not know how to make it go to a new window. I feel like I've tried every way to add target=_new to the html but it keeps telling me it has an error and I have to recover it.

This is the code I get when I change it to edit in html and I'm not familiar with how to add it.

<ul class="wp-block-social-links aligncenter has-normal-icon-size is-style-default"><!-- wp:social-link {"url":"https://www.facebook.com/livinghoperanch/","service":"facebook"} /-->

<!-- wp:social-link {"url":"https://www.instagram.com/livinghope.ranch/","service":"instagram"} /-->

<!-- wp:social-link {"url":"mailto:[email protected]","service":"mail"} /--></ul>


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