Weird long load element according to PageSpeed

edited September 5 in SEO


For some reason PageSpeed Insights encounters a huge delay loading this element. I don't notice any delay loading it on my browser and the image is just like 28KB. Any idea why is it doing this? For this reason it gives us a performance score of 43.

The issue occurs both on and on a totally another server


  • Hi,

    The image is too large for the space where it is used. The image size is 1024px, while the actual displayed size is at most 291px. Please reduce those four images to 291x291px.

    We also recommend going to Theme Options > Performance and enabling the Minify option for CSS and JS, as well as unchecking Font Awesome and other unused page elements.

    The speed is also affected by the number of active plugins, so please keep only the essential ones active.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    Thanks. What is the good practice with image sizes - if they are on flexible width due to responsiveness, should I for example do the image size 350 px instead of 291? Just to leave some reserve?

  • Hi,

    There is no need to use a larger image. I checked your site in browser tools, and the largest size used is 291px.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    So you assume the issue for PageSpeed is that the images simply don't match the size they are displayed in and the image files are too large?

    It's weird that PageSpeed says it takes seconds to load them. This is really weird.

  • There is several factors that may have an impact and i explained that 2 messages above. It's not just about the media.

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