BeBuilder template - SHOP not working as default Woocommerce shop page.


I want to change the shop page. So I made new template, added "Shop products" element. But this element does not work the same, as default Woocommerce shop - for example:

I set the parent categories to show subcategories only. In the template, there are always products shown, not the subcategories. Is there some way to add element/shortcode, which will act according to woocommerce category settings?

You can see it here:

  • this is default woocommerce shop page - there are only subcategories
  • this is one of the subcategories, there should be only 1 subcategory shown: Vařiče zálivkových hmot as you can see in the sidebar category structure.

Can you help me with this? Thanks in advance.


  • Hi,

    Instead of the shop products element, use the product categories element, and with conditions, assign it to Shop.

    Create a second template with the shop products element, and with conditions, assign it to All categories.

    Best regards

  • But the categories also have subcategories and I need to show subcategories first and the products should be displayed only in the last subcategory.

  • I propably solved it - so I assign Shop categories (main only) - to main Shop page, then I must do all main categories 1 by 1 dedicated template with shown subcategories and finaly last template for all categories which is shown on last level of subcategories.

    For my case it is doable, I have "only" around 10 main categories so 10 templates but if someone would like to have 3 or 4 levels of subcategories, he had to do this many many times, which is not ideal. I hoped it will work as default woocommerce, using this:

    • wordpress customizer - Shop page display - show categories... etc.
  • It works this way without a custom shop template but for default layouts.

    Shop templates are not suitable for such functionality.

    Anyway, we will think of a way to overcome this.

    Best regards

  • Thanks, it will be great, if the shop template follow the default woocommerce settings and behaviour. That is what i would expect from it and therefore asked first.

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