Bebuilder prebuilt sections responsivity
I just tried some of the prebuild sections - on desktop resolution all is ok, but if I check it on mobile, there is often problem with responsibility - the blocks covers each other, has no spacing etc.
Is it so, that responsivity is not included, or have I turned something off in template, what add correct responsive behaviour of Prebuilt sections?
Thanks for answer.
first of all, please send link to page that you refer to. Also, would be great if you can attach screenshot of what you mean so we can avoid confuse.
For example:
Here are some examples you can look at - I just made pages full of templates without any changes, just to see, which one are ok, and which not. Unfortunately, many of them has this flaws in responsivness.
The links you have sent are not working:
Can you also tell me which pre-built sections you used?
Best regards
I just tried it on another website:
Here it looks ok - the blocks are correctly arranged. I add only these from screenshots.
If you cannot access the original web, send me your IP and I will whitelist it on server.
I cannot provide the IP.
You did not tell me the names of the pre-built sections you used. Can you do that?
Best regards
The names are in the last URL - check the Headings
These pre-built sections work fine for me, so it is hard to determine the root cause.
Did you proceed with any extra steps except inserting them into your website?
Best regards