Issue with Privacy Policy Checkbox Alignment on Contact Form


On the Contact page of this website (here’s the specific link:, I’ve used a code to create the form. I’ve attached a screenshot with the code.

To create the checkbox for the privacy policy acceptance, I’ve used the following code:

[acceptance acceptance-784]

He leído y acepto la <a href="">política de privacidad</a>

The problem is that the checkbox appears visually misaligned on both the desktop and mobile versions. It’s placed above the text, while it should be next to it. I’ve attached a screenshot.

How can I adjust it so that it looks more or less like this?

Thank you so much!


  • Hi,

    The closing of the Acceptance shortcode is missing.

    It should look like this:

    <div class=“column one”>[acceptance Acceptance optional]<span style=“font-weight: 400;“>Agree to <a href=“#”>Terms and Conditions</a>.</span> [/acceptance]</div>

    Best regards

  • Thank you so much! It looks good on desktop now, but on mobile, the checkbox for accepting the privacy policy is still appearing above the text. How can I modify it for mobile as well? I’m attaching screenshots of how it looks on both desktop and mobile.

  • Please purge the cache because I still see the previous view from before your change.


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