Problems whith Be Builder

edited October 7 in Theme Options

We are redesigning a page that was made with WP Bakery. We need to keep some of the pages that were made with WP Bakery, but we want to design the main pages from scratch using Be Builder.

We are having a lot of problems, to the point that we are considering stopping using the theme and buying another one.

We have tried to include one of the predesigned footers. In Be Builder we see it fine, but in the published page the background, which should be dark, appears white and nothing can be seen And is not the only problems, because the social networks icons appear different too

On one of the interior pages we have tried to place text over a full screen image, but we cannot get the image to be seen. Occurs the same: we can see in Be Builder everything ok, but in the published page there´s no background (

We have checked, as you advise, thar WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) are exactly the same as our site. So this is not the problem


  • Hey,

    Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.


    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

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    Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.


  • The FTP you have sent does not work:

    Anyway, it seems to be a problem related to your server.

    I tried to update Betheme and the following error appeared:

    Footer styles are saved in an external CSS file that goes to uploads/betheme/css catalog. On your website source, there is a lack of a link to this file, and that is why it is not displaying correctly on your live website, which could mean that the server has a permissions problem. Please contact your hosting provider and ask about this issue.

    Best regards

  • Hello.

    Is an SFTP. Credentials are ok. You have to add Por: 22

    Sorry because probably I din.t send you all the Information

    I have contacted with mi hosting provider and he told me he has solved the isuue you spoke about in your last message, but the problem in the footer remains

    I send you the wordpress credentials in a private message

    Thank you

  • The following modification in your WP config was the root cause:

    After commenting it out, styles work properly.

    Best regards

  • Hello,

    I just have seen that this problem has been fixed.

    Thank you so much

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