bug between "slides"-"popup" and "lightbox image"

The scope I want to reach is to have a carousel slider where when you click on an image, the popup appears with the bio of the person.

Steps I did:

  1. Templates - Add New - Popup - Create template
  2. Set the popup as follow: https://i.postimg.cc/MKYJFny7/01.png
  3. Slides - Add New
  4. Set the slide as follow: https://i.postimg.cc/qqCWwRp3/02.png
  5. When I open the website and I click on the image, this happens: https://i.postimg.cc/7Y1qrsyT/03.png
  • I didn't change anything (brand new installation with "default" template)
  • The website is in localhost

If I check on chrome, F12, for the white box on the left:

" <div data-id="439" id="mfn-popup-template-439" class="mfn-popup-tmpl mfn-popup-tmpl-center mfn-popup-tmpl-width-default mfn-popup-tmpl-display-on-click mfn-popup-tmpl-close-button-hidden mfn-popup-close-on-overlay-click mfn-popup-close-button-right mfn-popup-tmpl-close-button-show-on-start mfp-inline" data-closebuttondelay="3000"><div class="mfn-popup-tmpl-content"><a href="#" class="exit-mfn-popup exit-mfn-popup-abs">✕</a><div class="mfn-popup-tmpl-content-wrapper"><div class="mfn-builder-content mfn-popup-tmpl-builder"><section class="section mcb-section mfn-default-section mcb-section-a95qehd8c default-width" style=""><div class="mcb-background-overlay"></div><div class="section_wrapper mfn-wrapper-for-wraps mcb-section-inner mcb-section-inner-a95qehd8c"><div class="wrap mcb-wrap mcb-wrap-fmm7a27k one tablet-one laptop-one mobile-one clearfix" data-desktop-col="one" data-laptop-col="laptop-one" data-tablet-col="tablet-one" data-mobile-col="mobile-one" style=""><div class="mcb-wrap-inner mcb-wrap-inner-fmm7a27k mfn-module-wrapper mfn-wrapper-for-wraps"><div class="mcb-wrap-background-overlay"></div><div class="column mcb-column mcb-item-jdksuukri one laptop-one tablet-one mobile-one column_column" style=""><div class="mcb-column-inner mfn-module-wrapper mcb-column-inner-jdksuukri mcb-item-column-inner"><div class="column_attr mfn-inline-editor clearfix" style=""><p>Ante consectetur arcu vitae praesent posuere tellus euismod fringilla dapibus fermentum vitae laoreet quisque ac.</p>

<p>Pharetra ornare tristique torquent erat justo eros lacinia pharetra odio potenti nec bibendum nec maecenas.</p>

<p>Ultrices porta inceptos odio justo porta fames curabitur gravida dapibus.</p></div></div></div></div></div></div></section></div></div></div><button title="Close (Esc)" type="button" class="mfp-close">×</button></div>

Do you have any suggestions on how to fix this white box on the right side (it shouldn't be there at all)? Or maybe you have a different suggestion to reach my scope? (No button wanted)



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