babyshop demo template

edited December 4 in WooCommerce

Hello Betheme support team,

i built my site with babyshop2 template. i need your solutions.

1- your woocommerce template is empty (picture1). i want make my design or change your demo pages. i cant any import demo page. i cant make new template (cart, checkout, thankyou or all pages ). if i try, look picture2, i take error page (Ooops... Error 404 We are sorry, but the page you are looking for does not exist. Please check entered address and try again or).

2 - i dont want see page names on woocommerce pages and shop page. (eg. picture3)

3 - i want add the header create an account link (picture4)

4 - craftbeer3 automatically gives him a discount coupon when the customer pays on your site. how can i do this. (example picture5)

5 - How can I create a feature that will randomly show pictures of my products on my home page.

Best Regards!


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