MuffinBuilder at woocommerce
Hi. i want to use MuffinBuilder at woocommerce at my website to have a nice product and details like this:
i've imperted single page of this product to my web site but nothing occured.
1- how to import that and other products of your demos?
2-this is sample url. how i use backgroud color of my website to product description
FYI, Muffin Builder is an old name for our builder. The current and correct name now is BeBuilder.
The content of this product did not import with single page import, because it was not created with BeBuilder, but with native WP editor with shortcodes.
Rather, newer demos have product content made with BeBuilder like these ones:
For background modification, use the following CSS code:
Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.
Best regards