How to create duplicate all blog pages
Sir I have used Wordpress default Posts for events page. Now my client wants blog page also. Is there is any option to duplicate all blog pages. Plz share how we can do it.
Sir I have used Wordpress default Posts for events page. Now my client wants blog page also. Is there is any option to duplicate all blog pages. Plz share how we can do it.
My query is how to duplicate wordpress admin page with BeTheme
You can install the YOAST Duplicate Posts plugin through Betheme -> Plugins. With it you will be able to clone posts in bulk:
Best regards
No you didn't got what we want. We have used default Posts admin pages to create events page in below link means we have used blog template in this page
Events – Fertility with Kumbhak Therapy | Natural Conception | Natural Pregnancy by Medini Care want same template for others page where we can post blog from admin part. Is there is any to duplicate all these admin pages.
There is no option for that.
Instead, you would have to create two categories, Events and Posts, and assign appropriate posts to these categories.
Best regards
Good I got my answer. Assign categories is great option