Importing Content From Another Wordpress Site
So far...
I installed a fresh copy of Wordpress on a sub-domain. Followed that with an installation of first BeTheme, and then BeTheme Child. I then imported the DEFAULT template as a starting point. From there I've spent about a week and a half now customizing the default theme and have made hundreds of changes at this point.
So... my question is about importing content from a pre-existing Wordpress site. If I import the XML file containing all of the original sites posts and media... is that going to break the designs that I've built in BeBuilder?
I don't see why it would. But thought it safer to get your opinion first.
It depends on many aspects such as what builder and theme was used on this other website etc.
It would be best if you create a copy of your sub-domian with Duplicator plugin to another sub-domain to test if everything will work smoothly there.
You can register unlimited subdomains with one license key, as long as the main domain is registered under the same key.
This also applies to subfolders on localhost installations.