Betheme - Resolving display difference between browsers


A customer informed me that when accessing my website via the "Samsung Internet" browser, the background colors appear distorted compared to other browsers like Chrome or Firefox.

Could it be an issue with the dark mode?

How can I fix it?

Link to my website:

I attach a picture of the issue.

Thanks in advance:)

Thanks in advance;)


  • Hi,

    The dark mode could be the reason. Did you try disabling it?

    Best regards

  • edited December 2024

    Yes, I tried disabling it, and the issue is indeed resolved. However, I’d like my site to work correctly even when that setting is enabled.

    I attempted to use the following CSS code to ignore the dark mode request, but it didn’t work. Do you have any suggestions?

    /* Settings to ignore any dark mode requests */

    :root { color-scheme: light;

     background-color: #e1c8ca;

     color: #5b6375;


  • Unfortunately, our hands are tied as it is a browser feature that the theme cannot control.

    Best regards

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