Mega menu issue
Hello guys
I am having problem with Mega menu.
In particular when I mouse over a tab on my menu it shows all the subpages (this is corect) but when I put the coursor outside of the area (where subpages poped up) the subpages do not disapear.
The tab is called ODZIEZ Z TWOIM NADRUKIEM and website adres is
as you can see the other tab called SZYLDY works perfect.
To make it work as you describe, you must change the Mega Menu width to Custom:
With other Types the Mega Menu will disappear when you move mouse below it.
Best regards
thank you Phil
please direct me to those settings from your print screen.
Thank you
Edit your Mega Menu template, and open the template settings as shown on my screenshot.
They might be placed on the left side of the builder instead of the top as on my end.
Best regards
Thank you very much Phil,
would you be able to tell me where the conflict is happening in revolution slider?
the problem is that embeded wideo does not play, when clicking on the default play icon (see print scrin A)
as a temporary solution I have set the click action on the whole wideo, placing some play icon away from the default play icon ( see print screen B)
web url:
please advice.
Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
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thank you Phil.
Email sent.
I do not see any action assigned to your video, but it works properly for me:
Should I proceed with any steps to reproduce this issue?
Best regards
hello Phil
Video plays when clicked on any space but the default (central) play button. Not the one on bottom-left.
I tested it on a few browsers and on a few mobile devices.
Are you writing that the default play button (located in central location of the screen) works at your end?
Seems like problem is with Slider Revolution plugin itself as after unchecking these 2 styles marked on the screenshot, play button in the middle works fine. But this has absolutely nothing to with the theme.
What we found is that disabling the option below fixes it.
Albert, thank you very much!
You're welcome.