Slider revolution issue

Hi ,

I have issue with slider revolution , the slide are not updated , I have moving elements showing up on brand new slide ..

Not able to create slides from scratch after uninstalling , reactivating the plugin , after deleting all slides and creating from new blanc slide , old element still show up .

When I select a slide for a page its not the right slide showing up also .

Is there a way to activate plugin for update ? is there a licence key for revelotion slider ?

Thank you for your help !


  • I am also looking for other plugin licence as layer slider .. thanks. !

  • Hi,

    1) Please open the Slider Revolution settings and change the Rendering Engine to SR6, and check if the problem persists.

    2) Purchase codes (license keys) are not included for plugins that are bundled into the theme. It’s because of the Themeforest license & agreements. This applies to all themes, of course. However, there is no need to use this code because the plugins are fully functional without it.

    Something like the “Free” version of a plugin does not exist. All bundled plugins are included with extended licenses, and users can use these plugins within the theme without needing to purchase them separately. This is standard and according to ThemeForest rules.

    More information about the bundled plugins, you will find in the link below:


  • Thanks it worked

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