Reviews on mobile
Hi, I'm working on this product template
and it works fine on desktop, but on mobile the review tab does not appear correctly (see image) can you pleat tell me how to fix it? Thanks
Hi, I'm working on this product template
and it works fine on desktop, but on mobile the review tab does not appear correctly (see image) can you pleat tell me how to fix it? Thanks
I have passed it to the dev team, and we will correct it in the upcoming updates.
For now, please use the following CSS code:
Put it in Betheme -> Theme options -> Custom CSS & JS -> CSS.
Best regards
Hi thanks i've applied the css but it still does not work
I can see that it worked but it also changed your desktop view.
Use the following code instead:
Best regards
Hi sorry but on MOBILE IT DOES NOT WORK also with this code, please check
I've tried on mobile browser safari and also chrome and still wrong
Sorry, I was looking only on the description tab.
Please use this:
Best regards
THANKS now it works fine!