Top section
How can I remove the space between the top section (the header) and the middle section (where the quote is)? There is a massive space between the section that I would like to remove / reduce and can't find the setting where I can do this please.
I am using the Finance template (so the space between the bottom of the header and the quote section.
Also, what is the size of the image on the header section? It was not imported with the template and can't find the sizes anywhere.
Please always attach a link to your website so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost), then our help will be limited. You will have to contact us when the page is online. Also, please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us with the link.
It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot showing your issue.
Also, my new logo is visible if I visit the page while logged in, but logged out, it still shows me the default Betheme logo. And I have updated everywhere and saved the page, but still shows me the default BeTheme logo on homepage. What can I do?
1) Sorry, but you did not attach a screenshot showing what you refer to. Please attach it.
2) If you see changes only while logged in, you have some cache active. If you have any caching plugin active, disable it. If you do not have any plugins, it means server cache, and you should contact your server administrator regarding this.
Best regards
I have already posted a link, it's in the trail.
Can I have some help with this please? I have already posted the link to the website twice now.
Yes, I saw the link, but I am not talking about the link but about the screenshot showing what you refer to.
Please attach a screenshot showing that.
I have described in my first post where my issue is and attached the link so you can see it live. I am not happy with this ping pong game you're playing.
I have attached a picture here as well, do you can see the space I have between the blue bottom and the quote section.
Would be great to actually have a solution at some point soon.
*space between the blue button and the quote section (correction).
I saw your description in the first place, but to provide proper, direct support and avoid any misunderstanding, I asked for a screenshot, which you did not attach, and that is why I asked for it a second time. My apologies, but my goal was not to "play ping pong", as you described. I only wanted to receive all the information from you, so I asked.
You have a bottom padding assigned to the Column Text element:
From what I see, it is assigned in the deprecated settings, and to remove/reduce that, you should edit this padding there.
You can read more about deprecated settings here:
Best regards
It worked. Thank you for your help, much appreciated.