How can I change the search page?
I can't find where it is.
Thank you
All options related to the search are placed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Search:
Best regards
Thanks for responding but I can't find the option Betheme -> Theme options -> Search.
I have this(attach)
What you showed on the screenshot is not Betheme, and we are not the creators of the theme you are using.
You should contact this theme author, not us.
oh really? Sorry, I may have been wrong, I have several projects...
Thanks and regards
All options related to the search are placed in Betheme -> Theme options -> Search:
Best regards
Thanks for responding but I can't find the option Betheme -> Theme options -> Search.
I have this(attach)
Thank you
What you showed on the screenshot is not Betheme, and we are not the creators of the theme you are using.
You should contact this theme author, not us.
Best regards
oh really? Sorry, I may have been wrong, I have several projects...
Thanks and regards