Unable to deregister my purchased Betheme from old domain so that I can register it with new domain

I purchased a hosting server that is associated with a default random domain name. During this time, I purchased, downloaded and applied the BeTheme. After that, I connected a new domain to the website host. This turned into a problme because I did not deregister the theme from the old default domain name. Now when I go to https://api.muffingroup.com/licenses/ to deregister from the old domain name, it keeps giving the error: "Your site still uses BeTheme. Please delete all theme files before deregistration. Please remember to delete all theme files before deregistration"

I've already deleted all the theme files from the root directory and associated files. Infact, when that didn't work, I reinstalled wordpress on the hosting server fromo scratch. Still I'm unable to deregister. Kindly provide support as this is causing significant delays in my work.

My new domain is primenestproperties.ae


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