WooCommerce Widget: Product Categories
I got an alert that the current widget I was using was legacy, so I switched over to the most recent version of the "product categories" widget. The widget includes some options, but none of them are aesthetically appealing. The old style was a hierarchy with accordion dropdowns for the sub categories. It matched the look and feel of the site nicely. Now I have a big ugly block of color and the subcategories only appear once you click a main category, which forces you to go to a new page instead of searching for what you want right in the menu. I'm looking for a solution to get things back to how they used to look and function.
Also, the same menu we are discussing shows up at the bottom of the page on mobile view. Our customers never see it. Is there a way to relocate it as a dropdown above the products? Please see attached image.
Page can be viewed here: https://weldtecdesigns.com/shop/
legacy means that there is a newer item available which is somehow "better" in plugin's author opinion. Nevertheless, you can still use this widget if you prefer.
The problem is the legacy version no longer displays correctly either. I want the categories to be black text with dropdowns for the subcategories and no block of color behind the text on the product categories menu. Is there some css I can drop in there to fix that?
In such case we need to compare legacy widget and the one you use on site because we didn't noticed such problem on our end. Therefore, please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately thru the contact form, which is on the right side at http://themeforest.net/user/muffingroup#contact, so we can have a closer look.
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I got the old block to work. Thanks.
I still want to know if there's a way to make the categories appear at the top on mobile instead of under all the products where no one looks
Yes, you can. We've explained this in our FAQ https://support.muffingroup.com/how-to/how-to-display-sidebar-above-the-content-on-mobile/