Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.
Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.
Please see the following link:
Ensure that you did all the steps correctly.
Best regards
Yes, I did exactly those steps.
Please send us the WordPress dashboard and FTP access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
Please attach a link to this forum discussion.
Sending incorrect or incomplete data will result in a longer response time.
Therefore, please ensure that the data you send are complete and correct.
Sorry, but you sent an incomplete message as it does not contain WP dashboard access.
Moreover, the FTP access you sent does not work:
Please send another message with complete and working data.
Hi, good night!
Please, give me a email adress to create a new account for you in my wordpress.
Also tell me where you are connecting from to give permissions to your IP address
You can use any dummy email like "".
We are connecting from Poland.