Changing Background image changes the Slug
When i change the background image of a page, it is changing the page URL (slug) after I publish
First, I do this
After I hit publish, it changes the url and more importantly, IT CAUSES THE ORIGINAL URL TO BE A 404 ERROR
Any suggestions on how I can change the background image without impacting the URL
Please send us the WordPress dashboard access privately through the contact form, which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.
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what email do i use for giving the access?
I received your message I checked that, but I did not notice your problem.
I removed this 504 part from the slug, edited this page to change background image, and URL remained unchanged:
Should I proceed with any extra steps?
Best regards
Hi Phil,
I will need you to proceed with more steps because I need you to be able to reproduce the problem. I am working in Safari browsder (not sure if that matters) and it is still happening. I created a video that shows all the steps I followed. Not sure if you can see this video; so I will send a file of the video to the email that was used for this communication
The login credentials you sent do not work anymore. Did you remove this user?
Anyway, it might be related to switching the page to draft. Did you try not doing that and publishing this page right away?
Best regards
Re-adding you as a user.
I will try doing it without switching to draft
Here is the new video:
You are right, adding the new image doesn't impact it. Saving it as a draft, must tell WordPress that you are creating a new page, and then it modifies the slug so it doesn't have two of the same URLs.
Thank you
I can see that you created a new topic regarding this, so I will answer you there:
Best regards