Question about Sidebar menu
I have a question abut edit the SideBar Menu from template.
I use the theme babyshop2 and i want to know if it's posible to show on hover mous the subcategory ?!
Because on the shop of my customer there are just some category with a lot of subcategory !
Or maibe another solution? But to have this format -> category -> Show subcategory
Many regards
Please see also a photo for better understend!
The sidebar menu template does not have an option to show a submenu to the side when hovering.
There are three options to choose from: visible (so the submenu is always visible), toggle, and replace current (so the submenu replaces the main menu).
Best regards
Ah, OK, so it's not posible to show side when hovering ?
Maibe it's posible with Mega Menu ?
Or maibe with a plugin compatible with BeTheme or maibe with a code custom ?
Mega Menu displays only in the Header Builder, and it cannot be shown within the Sidebar Menu.
If you send a link to your website, I can check what can be done with a custom CSS, but I do not guarantee that it can be done.
Right now i work on a subdomain:
Accesorii scule electrice - RDC-TOOLS - Distribuitor scule electrice have add on the Sidebar menu the category menu! Right now it's work with the option from theme. But if will can be work show on hover mous will be great. If it's necesary a suplimentar cost pleae just let me know.
Many regards
Sorry, but it is impossible to achieve this because of the technical limitations.
Best regards
That's fine! Many thank's for your reply!