Linked images

Hi again!
How can i put a link on an image i added through shortcodes without getting that slide animation with link icon and that grey box around the image.
Im asking this because i want to use a button image as button and the animation and box around it don't really fit.
I just want the image to be clickable.

Help would be great !


  • Hi,

    please show us on screenshot what you exactly want to do as link and also please send us url to page where you want to do this and we'll see if it's possible.


    The Button that says Download now has that grey/white box around it. And if you hover over it that link sign shows up. I want to get rid of both of those things but still leave the button clickable(linked to smth).

    many thanks. muffingroup team. you are fast and very very helpful
  • Ok. So to remove this border and hover effect, please use below css:
    .image_frame .image_wrapper .image_links { display: none !important; }
    .image_frame .image_wrapper .mask {
        display: none;
  • thanks alot, youre just great!
  • I had the same problem, plus there was also an issue of my image being cropped at the bottom, then sliding up and on hover. 

    The above solution fixed the borders. 

    If anyone else has the cropped images/unwanted sliding effect, the following additional css fixed it for me:

    .image_frame:hover .image_wrapper img, .image_frame.hover .image_wrapper img { top: 0px !important;}
    .image_frame:not(.no_link) .image_wrapper img:not(.ls-l) { margin-bottom: 0px !important;}

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