Undesired NESTED SECTIONS created after dragging and dropping in Muffin Builder and can't undo

edited August 2015 in BeBuilder

This is the second time that I've had this unexplained result and I can't figure out how to correct it without rebuilding the page from scratch...

I have a page with four sections in the Muffin Builder - each with a full-width no side-bar layout. Everything was fine and then I did some editing to the columns in the 2nd section on the page (including doing some dragging and dropping of columns within that section). After saving and updating the page, all the subsequent sections (3rd & 4th sections of page) are now nested INSIDE the 2nd section's wrapper.

On the backend, everything looks the same in Muffin Builder as before so I can't see why it's rendering this way. Any idea what's causing this?

Any help would save me a lot of time and avoid it from happening again. Thanks!

P.S. I just realized that a 5th mysterious section has also been added with class section the_content no_content but it doesn't show up in back-end Muffin Builder. Oh, and I'm also using Chrome to edit back-end.

Please see the before and after screenshots of the source code in my browser editor:

BEFORE: (each section at equal level within sections_group)


AFTER: (Last 2 sections nested inside the 2nd section_wrapper, below items_group)



  • Hi,

    this is first time when we see something like that. Looks like the tags are not closed or opened properly somewhere and that's why sections are nested in other sections. You should checked the code in back-end then because for us looks like you did something wrong inside. But if this is not the reason, then maybe it's due to the max_input_vars variable which is responsible for saving the content and because of limits content may not be saved properly for pages with larger amount of content.
  • You are absolutely right!! There was an unclosed DIV tag. Now it's back to normal. Big thanks :-)
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