Menu disappeared under 9.3

Just upgraded from version 6.9 to 9.3. My main menu changed to
the 3-bar menu icon and I can't get the regular menu back. Also sticky
menu option no longer works. Went back to version 6.9, but the problem
persists. Changing from Transparent header doesn't fix it, nor does
anything else.

I thought this was maybe a cache problem in my
browser, but it doesn't seem to be. But oddly, my laptop still displays
the menu correctly, and sticky works there. Two other computers do have
the same problems. Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Fred Cameron


  • Solved my own problem.

    Can't believe it. Browser window size collapsed the menu! Guess you learn something every day. But this is a good lesson about too-wide menu design for me. Don't want my users to suffer the same problem, though.
  • I just installed latest version recently,
    today my Menu suddenly disappeared!
    It's just happened, and not causing by any plugin,
    even I uninstalled the plugin it failed to load.
    I tried to change to others theme and it work fine under others theme,
    even try Betheme child theme, it failed.
    Finally I tried to reset BETHEME OPTION to default and it solved.
    But I need to reset all setting again,
    I think there is a bug....
  • @lulugoh Really? Where the bug is? This is really interesting so we would like to know where this problem exactly is because so far we did not met with anything similar.

    @fool327 We're glad to hear that you sorted it out :)
  • edited August 2015
    Yesterday sucks, because I'm showing the website draft to my boss and no menu on it.....
    This happen after the post above (which I've reset the Betheme Option to default)!!!
    and I deleted the main menu and create new one also cannot see the menu!
    so I delete browser cache and reopen reload page,
    than it appears again!
    I don't know where is the bug,
    but this morning it happens again!
    I'm using CONGRESS demo, the Menu Missing again!
    I'm really afraid that my client would face same problem later.....
  • We have refreshed your site about 20 times on different computers and on each this is how your site looks like - as you see, menu is visible and we do not see anything wrong. If your menu does not display, please check your JS console because on our side we do not see anything wrong.
  • Thanks for your quick respond. I'm so relief to hear that there is no problem in the website, because I don't want to change Theme anymore! Betheme is the best (I had changed 5 themes before Betheme and couldn't make decision to build the site). I will look into "JS Console" problem, because this morning happen again in different browser in my computer....
  • edited August 2015
    Ok I've check the "JS console" in my Chrome and it shown this message:
    Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help, check 


    I totally don't understhand what is this....But I know My company IT protect the website by using a virtually cloud server call CLOUDFLARE, everything In & Out need to bypass this virtually server, I thing is causing by it?
  • To be honest we are not sure if this could be the reason because this is first time when we see such message but if you did not found anything else then this could be the reason of course.
  • edited September 2015
    This morning it happen again,
    after I press Refresh the homepage,
    the menu reappeared!
    I've tried all browser Safari, Chrome and Maxthon, Firefox,
    all same problem, 
    need to refresh the page to see menu.
    And I've test on my colleague's computer (window),
    he has same problems too (window Internet Explorer and Google Chrome)!
    But when I tried it on my handphone (not using company wifi but my personal 3G network),
    it's totally normal.
    I guess it's my company network firewall problem AGAIN (which my old website cannot show some images through this network).
    Thanks for your quick respond anyway,
    I will try to solve myself.
    and still continue use Betheme because it the best till now.
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