bug(?) shifts columncontent in muffinbuilder backend

edited August 2015 in BeBuilder
it´s happened the second time now that I edit my page and sometimes after hours of work and saving and reloading,
the page layout gets corrupted like that:

Content/Code from the 1. column gets DELETED!
Content/Code of Column 2 moves into Column 1.
Content/Code of Column 3 moves into Columen 2.

It´s exactly the same behaviour like the first time it all happened. 
Content of columns get shiftet by 1. (1st column content gets lost, last column content is then empty)

anybody else experienced that problem before?


  • Hi,

    you may have this issue if you did some mistakes in the columns. Some tags may be not opened or closed properly and this is the reason why content inside columns may shift.
  • I am sure that was not the case because this is happening in the backend/muffinbuilder - NOT just on the frontend rendering of the page. So it can´t be a problem of sloppy tags inside columns.

    I SAVE Muffinbuilder - UPATE Page Backend - RELOAD Page Frontend in other tab -> broken columns -> Check back into muffinbuilder: column data shifted "upwards", data of first column lost and replaced by data of second column, etc.

    It´s just a weird problem and I can´t understand how all content and settings of columns can get shiftet to its respective previous columns....

    ...but I understand this is hard to replicate on your end.
    I am using Chrome, if somebody´s got the same problem.
  • Yes, this is definitely very hard to replicate this on our end because we did never met with anything similar in the past. We are pretty sure that this must be something wrong with the content inside. In our opinion this can not be anything else.
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