Update Theme with Envato Toolkit
I updated the theme to 9.4 using the Envato Toolkit. I read your Changelog for 9.4 but it did not update the Revolution Slider. I ended up purchasing Revolution Slider 5.05 directly from CodeCanyon (Envato) but now the sliders are not appearing on the theme. I am in the process of regenerating thumbnails (using Plugin) to see if this works per the Changelog (http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/changelog.html). I tried disabling all Plugins and still does not work.

NOTE: My Sliders are still under the Revolution Slider area and they look fine. I updated the slider correctly using themepunch directions (http://www.themepunch.com/faq/update-plugin-packaged-theme/). Under the Page I am wanting to display the slider, I have selected the appropriate slider I want to display (I even tried changing to other sliders) but it still does not display (SEE SCREENSHOT BELOW). I even uploaded other demo sliders and they still do not work. It is just a blank area (the same area width and height the slider is built).
Note, I only upgraded the Revolution Slider to the paid version. The Revolution Slider worked perfectly before until I upgraded from ThemePunch (creator of Revolution Slider). See below as you can see I have selected the Home Congress Slider which worked perfectly before it was upgraded to Revolution Slider 5.05.

Any suggestions?
there is no need to buy the plugin separately because recent version is always included into theme package. We have no idea how you updated the slider but please update those files via FTP because it's the safest method. Also, please take a look at http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/7846/revolution-slider-invisible-after-update-to-slider-5-x-version-and-wordpress-4-3 where we explained what the problem may be too.