BeTheme Site - Speed Issues

Hello there,
We're experiencing a lot of speed issues on our BeTheme site, and it takes a whopping 12.757 seconds to load the homepage and many issues have been reported as per below:

Kindly advise us on how to optimize the code of BeTheme to improve site speed performance.


  • Hi,

    to speed up site we recommend to use W3Total Cache, MaxCDN and static css.
  • I've used W3Total Cache already.
    However, do we need to pay to use MaxCDN or is it free?
  • I've tried using static css in the past, but it seemed to mess up my site.....please explain in full detail steps to use static css?
  • Of course, MaxCDN is paid service. But in accordance to static css, everything was explained on so if something is not clear, then please explain what exactly is not clear. But if those tricks, won't help, it means that you should change your hosting provider.
  • Can you please recommend any free CDN service?
    Btw, i'm using Inmotion Hosting...which is one of the top rated in the industry.
  • I have tried the static css option again....but however, my entire fonts seem to have been replaced:

    Do you mean to copy the ENTIRE style-color.php & style.php onto style-static.css?? Additionally, there are some code already on the document - "style-static.css":

    #Content,#Wrapper,html{background-color:#FCFCFC}#header_action_button,#header_cart,#menu>ul>li>a,.offer_li .title h3,.timeline_items li h3 span,body,button,input[type=button],input[type=email],input[type=password],input[type=reset],input[type=submit],input[type=tel],input[type=text],select,span.date_label,textarea{font-family:Roboto,Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight:400}#Subheader .title{font-family:Arial,Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight:400}.text-logo #logo,h1,h2,h3,h4{font-family:Patua One,Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight:300}h5{font-family:Roboto,Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif;font-weight:700}blockquote{font-family:Arial,Arial,Tahoma,sans-serif}body{font-size:13px;line-height:21px}#menu>ul>li>a{font-size:14px}#Subheader .title,.text-logo #logo,h1{font-size:25px;line-height:25px}h2{font-size:30px;line-height:30px}h3{font-size:25px;line-height:27px}h4{font-size:21px;line-height:25px}h5{font-size:15px;line-height:20px}h6{font-size:13px;line-height:20px}

    Should i replace and delete them with the code from .php files?
  • Check out the menu...even the color has been changed through static css....  :(
  • We do not know any free cdn service. We don't think so that any free cdn exist. Please take a look at to understand why free CDN service can not work. CDN is kind of servers that are closely connected around the world. So as you understand, this can not be for free.

    We do not know any inmotion hosting. Our customers uses mainly Media Temple, Digital Ocean, godaddy and other popular servers. So if you are sure that your server is good enough, then you should look for a problem somewhere else because the solutions we gave you above, works for sure and speed up sites.

    In accordance to static.css you are doing it wrong. As we explained in the documentation, you should copy the content of what this file generate under browsers. Because this is php file, you can not copy php code into .css files. You need to open .php files in browser, and then copy the result of those files (plain css only).
  • Some blog had mentioned jsDelivr
  • Looks like this service belongs to MaxCDN as well :) Also it does not look like this service got automatic setup for wordpress sites while MaxCDN got it built-in. But if you want, then just try it.
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