Html being stripped our of text editor after saving

I am using visual composer with a text box module with this HTML
using the text editor.

<div class="divider"><span></span></div>

When I save it, it strips out the "span" tags for some reason so 
my .diver span css is not working if the html is not there.

Only way it holds the html is if i use their raw html module but
then that does not have the wisywig editor and I need that for 
more easily making stuff bold and italics etc...

I can't ask them because this is packaged with the theme 
so i don't have a purchase code for their support form.

Any reason why this would strip this out. Works fine in text editor in
wordpress and muffic builder?

Thanks Scott


  • Do you use latest version of VC? If you use, then unfortunately we have no idea what may happen. We noticed a lot of issues related with VC so far and that's why we don't like and use it. We prefer to use Muffin Builder instead.
  • ok yes I am using the one pre packaged and its the latest.

    I was using muffin but wanted to use a mobile specific theme along side be theme but since the muffin builder and shortcodes are package in the theme and not an actual plugin it doesnt get picked up by the mobile theme.

    Just want to eliminate some things and gets to be to much css like sidebar, parts of footer and parts of home page and use a centered more thumb friendly menu instead of the hamburger icon menu.
    Was wanting to do menu like this biggest reason and have the click to call at the top of all mobile pages.

    If you guys in a future update added ability to give modules inside of rows a class so we could hide them on mobile or a selection box that would be cool along with hide side bars mobile option etc..

  • Sure, we'll consider this. We currently still work on new Muffin Builder.
  • I fugure out a workaround to hide individual modules inside a row. Using the plugin you recommended I put the short code to hide on mobile in the wp editor after hitting the builder seo update button.

    Would just have to reinsert the code where you want if you every update the page. But is a workaround for now...:)
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