Also.. is there a way for me to have several accordian sections stacked? I need each section of tabs seperated by a heading. Every time I try (I have images to the right and accordians stacked to the left) I end up with accordians aligning to the images. Any way I can seperate my column section into halves?
Also .. can you please let me know how i can change the color of the phone and email in the top action bar please without changing the link colour on the entire site?
Awesome.. thanks very much for the advice on the clients slider.
On the second question I guess I am just trying to separate a section in half, I add a new section then add a column then an accordion, but if I try to stack some accordions in the left side and a few image down the right side of the section the accordions space themselves to the image on the right - is there a way to truly separate the section in half? I can do this in VC but still learning MB (I really do like using MB - muffin builder so this is why I am trying this).
Thanks again for your time and advice on the client logo slider
For your send question we still need the screenshots with necessary changes on it so we can be sure how you see it exactly. Please show us what you mean and where exactly you want to do this and we'll see if it's possible.
But all auto-play features for slides can be set under Theme options > Global > Sliders section.
if you got a lot of client logos, then you can use client's slider instead what you can check on
In accordance to 2nd question, please show us on screenshot how you want to use accordions exactly.
But all auto-play features for slides can be set under Theme options > Global > Sliders section.