Fonts and Colors Overwritten - Account Hacked or Some Plugin?


I woke up to find someone had tried several attempts to login to my site early this morning. I didn't see that anyone actually logged in though. I logged in straight away to change the password and updated some security things. I briefly checked the main page, which seemed fine. Whilst online I updated a few plugins, backed up data and I might have updated the BeTheme (I can't remember). I figured things were fine, but when checking the page a few hours later, I saw that the font types and colors of fonts had been changed, there was suddenly a featured image on a page where there had been no featured image and not a featured image where there used to be. Due to the change in fonts, etc. some widgets, like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter look really weird and where there used to be a widget for Blog Categories all you see is white. The site looks horrible. 

I checked the general settings for the BeTheme and they are still normal, but those aren't the fonts and colors shown on the page. I don't know if something else overwrote this? 

I built the site from scratch myself using the Store BeTheme ( and various plugins and widgets. I kept the color scheme as it were, as well as the font types. You can view the site here: and see the difference. 

Please let me know if this is someone hacking my account, or if some plugin could have somehow overwritten the BeTheme settings. 

Thanks so much,


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