WPML Flag selector doesn't appear on the main menu
Hi team,
I have well installed and i'm actually using WPML on my website without any problems. Footer (enable you can see) and widgets selectors work well however the selector flag on my main menu doesn't want to appear ! and it is the most important for me
On my site inspection, WPML is well detected (<div class="wpml-languages enabled">) but nothing appear.. !
Could you help me please ?
My website : http://www.jubileimperial.fr/ (French version) and http://www.jubileimperial.fr/en/ (English version)
Thank you a lot!
Note: flag selector doesn't appear on any navigator.
--- Code generated by the theme, search and language selector on main menu :
<div class="top_bar_right_wrapper">
<a id="search_button" href="#">
<i class="icon-search"></i></a>
<div class="wpml-languages enabled">
<a class="active tooltip" href="/" ontouchstart="this.classList.toggle('hover');" data-tooltip="No translations available for this page"><img src="wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/res/flags/fr.png" alt="Français"><i class="icon-down-open-mini"></i></a><ul class="wpml-lang-dropdown"><li><a href="en/"><img src="wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/res/flags/en.png" alt="Anglais"></a></li></ul></div> </div>
we have checked your website and as we see the problem is with your plugin - wp cleanfix. Please turn off this plugin and all will be fine.