Fatal Conflict with Database Sync

I have a dual server system set up for Dev / Live environments where I need to sync my databases back and forth periodically so that the data stays up-to-date for testing and developing.

I found a great plugin which does this for me using a security token called "Database Sync" [https://wordpress.org/plugins/database-sync/] but whenever I activate the plugin on a site using BeTheme it creates a fatal error for BeTheme.

It removes all styling and corrupts the theme in full resulting in a need for a full restore from back-ups. I have tested this on 3 separate sites and am in desperate need of a solution.

I need to be able to sync my sites back and forth for testing but if the plugin is going to break BeTheme then it is pointless. Is there a way of doing this internally through BeTheme or can you help me identify the issue with the plugin?


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