Tabs or Content Link or Sidebar
Hi Guys,
Firstly I am using BeTheme Software Demo content.
See my website here:
As this is my first attempt to create a website - I found BeTheme to be a really good theme - I was able to change the layout to my liking very easily!
I am now stuck in some fine tuning - if you guys can help me please?
1. 3 x Icon Box under the slider - why is the Medical Practice showing lower then the other 2?
2. Experience Reach Remote Workspace - how do i make this fit on one line?
3. If you scroll all the way to the bottom - you will note above the testimonials section - I have 6 x list and then Tabs. Essentially what I need to implement is when user clicks on Medical IT - the 6 list for medical IT shows, when they click on Corporate IT - the 6 list for corporate IT shows etc etc. I need that to look as fancy as seen in Be Developer demo. You can see on Be Developer demo - that under the slider - you see 4 clickables and then the image and content slides in - instead of this I want 6 x list to appear. How can I achieve this?
Thank you!
did you sorted all 3 points or you sorted one of them? Not sure what you need now.