Changing out image on homepage
I am using the BeTheme "Renovate" and wanted to know how I can change out the image at the bottom of the homepage. The website is –
I can see that is "renovate_works.png" when I view the source of the page but don't really know where to change it.
I like the look of the demo but needed to change out the photos to better fit the site. Please let me know how to fix this. Thanks in advance!
If you don`t know how Visual Composer works, then we recommend to use Muffin Builder which is in "Page options" section as we wrote above. This tool is much easier to use and definitely faster. Please create website this way if you want to have full functionality because as we wrote in description Visual Composer is limited to part of the items and also plugin itself does not have features like full screen sections and this needs additional addons.
Hope this will help you a lot
Shall I de-activate WPBakery Visual Composer then? I'm sorry but there are two builders? I'm happy with Muffin WPBakery visual composer cames with the theme but I used the one below the main page content box. I think there might be a conflict.