Video background slow loading


I bought my first copy of the Be Theme after using a few other favorite themes the last couple of years when creating client websites. So far the theme seems great and it provides me with tons of new stuff, so thank you for a great product.

However, a few start up problems occured. First of all:
Ive created a video slideshow with revolution slider. However the video takes a lot of time before it starts.
I tried installing Master slider to see if the problem was rev- slider and it was. Master slider works fine with the same video. Problem
now is that your theme overrides the buttons in Master slider, so that when I hover the button, the button text gets underlined instead
of the hover effect I created in Master slider. From my experience rev- slider is far more reliable when it comes to functioning properly and master slider often have problems related to updating it.

Do you have a solution for me? I would definately prefer to use rev slider as this comes bundled with your theme and it is actually more reliable.

URL to the site (small demo video in there now):

Thanks for you assistance.


  • Hi,

    we did never tested Master Slider so we don't know what exactly is wrong. We'll consider this plugin while future updates but at this moment we got tons of other features that must be tested first. However, revolution slider works great on our side. You can check many videos on our demos and see that videos works fine and really fast. This must be related with your other plugins then or settings on server side.

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