BeBuddy Layout - logo shrinkage and Top Nav bar issues


I've installed the Demo Content and layout for the BeBuddy theme/layout and it all went perfect. However, I'm having just a couple of issues when trying to change a few things. 1. After I remove the default logo that comes with the Layout to just a Text logo, that works ok, but now after I switch to a custom logo image, it basically shrinks it down to 45 x 30. I've tried a new different logo and it does the same thing. 2. The second issue (which could possibly be related to the 1st issue) is the Top nav bar almost doubled in size. Something pushed the search icon and the Sign In button to a new row below. I haven't changed the Header at all in the Muffin theme options, so it is still the default. As you can see in the Demo layout the top nav is 1670 x 90. In my site its grown to: 1653 x 180. 

Thanks in advance!


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