
library template  have then menu on the left and an image in background, but I can't find where I can insert the image in background in muffin option, where I can Upload Image?


  • Hi,

    background image for creative header, you can set under Theme options > Custom CSS & JS > Custom CSS section. There is an url responsible for that background.

    Thanks ;)
  • ok, 
    but if I set "Import Demo Data", the result  hasn't got the css setted, so the site isn 't like demo, I would like to start with demo, and then modify it
  • This sounds like your server is incompatible with wp_remote_get() function. In this case, you should import settings manually.
  • I doesn ' t work, background isn't present, please help me
  • Please send us url to page site where you got a problem. However, if the problem will be related with limits on server side, then only server admin will be able to help you because we already gave you all possible solutions and if even manual import does not work, then we have no idea what is wrong with your hosting.
  • the result of import:

    Import WordPress

    Media “home_yoga_slider1” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_bg_pattern” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_breathing_bg” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_health_circules” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_divider” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_video1” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_video2” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_contact_bg” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_lotus1” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_lotus2” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_lotus3” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_logo_slider” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_slider2” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_slider4” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_slider_arrow_bottom” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_positions_slider1” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_positions_slider2” already exists.
    Media “home_yoga_positions_slider3” already exists.
    Media “retina-yoga” already exists.
    Media “yoga” already exists.
    Post “Hello world!” already exists.
    Page “Home” already exists.
    Failed to import “TRIANGLE POSE”: Invalid post type offer
    Failed to import “BRIDGE POSE”: Invalid post type offer
    Failed to import “TREE POSE”: Invalid post type offer

    All done. Have fun!

    Remember to update the passwords and roles of imported users.

    the site is

    I can give you login and password for admin

    I would like yoga theme


  • We did checked your site and there is default WP theme activated currently. However, the message you showed above, means that you imported this demo before and that's why you got the information that those files already exist on your server. This is not an error but just information.
  • May I give you login e password (in a mail non public)?

  • I reimport is missing menu and background

  • As we see, your demo looks great. The whole content and settings has been imported properly. You got the information about Revolution Slider only because you forgot to import it. All details about Rev slider import you can read on

    But menu is missing because of the limits we mentioned above. You can set your main menu under Appearance > Menus section.
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