Contact Link Not Working

I'm not quite sure what I did, but my "contact" link isn't working properly. It redirects to a different page instead of doing the auto scroll down to the contact area. I have the menu link set up the same as the others. 


  • Hi,

    we have no idea what you did but some links are definitely wrong. We recommend to check them under Appearance > Menus section. Please use FULL PATHS for links.
  • Hi, Yes, obviously I already did that. Any other ideas?
  • Deactivate plugins, clear cache (if you use), remove extra scripts. Just work on a plain theme version.
  • None of that worked. 
  • So if none of them worked, all we can recommend is theme re-installation (of course old files should be removed completely and then new files from package should be uploaded via FTP only). After that, you should also remove menu items and create menu once again.
  • Okay, I did all that. Deleted the previous theme. Uploaded the latest version. Deleted the menu. Recreated the menu. Still not working...
  • If nothing works, then please send us private message with access to your dashboard and we'll check what you did wrong.
  • I have sent both a private message via Gmail and one using this support system. 
  • Hi, no one has addressed this issue yet. Can you please respond today? I've been requesting help on this since October 22nd. It's now November 2nd. I have sent multiple emails and private messages on this forum in addition to these posts. I have given you access to my site. It doesn't seem like your team is communicating. 
  • Yes, we get your message of course but it's incomplete. We know what date is it and we know very well that we replied on your messages. However, you do not read our messages at all and that's why you are waiting so long for the answer. Your messages was:

    "Hi There,

    I registered you as a user on my site to address the contact link issue. Your username is *** and your password is: ****

    Please let me know if you get this message.


    Sorry but how can we know what for you are sending us access? No explanation, not site url. Such messages does not say anything. Your message should be sent via form which is on the right side at and should contain details like:

    1. Explanation what for the access you are sending is.
    2. URL to he dashboard
    3. Username & password

    When we'll get such message, we'll be able to help you within very short time. Our recent message we sent to you has been sent on 30th October and since that time, we did not get any message from you. So please use the form we mentioned above and please include all necessary information and details into this message.


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