Sticky header is transparent

Is there an option to add a solid color to the background of the sticky header? As you scroll down, the menu text gets lost. Thanks. 


  • In your case it is not related with background but with menu items and logo. Your current logo is quite large an menu items can`t fit in the same line as logo. So you can do two different things:

    1. Use below css to make logo smaller:
    1. #logo img { max-height: 16px !important; }
    2. Make padding between menu items smaller with below css:
    1. #Header .menu > li > a span { padding: 0 8px !important; }
    But what we recommend is mix of above solutions. So make logo a little bit smaller and make less paddings. For that we recommend below css:
    1. #logo img { max-height: 30px !important; }
      #Header .menu > li > a span { padding: 0 10px !important; }
  • It worked! Thanks for your help! 
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