Blog Slider & Clients on homepage not working responsively

Here is my website: and you will see that the Latest news section (blog slider) is not working when you resize the window to make it smaller. All of the text overlaps. The same thing happens at the bottom of the page "Kindly sponsored by" which is clients slider. I have no edited the code of the site. I thought it could be some custom css I've added to the site but when I remove the css edits the same thing happens. I also tried to update the template but this removed the menu for some reason. Any help you could give is very much appreciated. 


  • Hi,

    it's because of the errors in your console log what you can check on - fix them all and slider should work properly. We recommend to start from plugins deactivation. But if this won't help, please update theme files via FTP.
  • Thanks very much for pointing that out. Everything works perfectly when I deactivate the Contact Form 7. I tried uploading older versions of the plugin to see if they worked but they don't. The error coming up in relation to the contact form 7 is:

    Uncaught TypeError: this.ajaxForm is not a function$.fn.wpcf7InitForm @ scripts.js?ver=4.0.2:14(anonymous function) @ scripts.js?ver=4.0.2:10j @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2k.fireWith @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2m.extend.ready @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2J @ jquery.js?ver=1.11.3:2
    embed.js:1893 Error: multipleDefine(…)(anonymous function) @ embed.js:1893(anonymous function) @ embed.js:375forEach @ embed.js:106req.signal @ embed.js:374defineModule @ embed.js:1579(anonymous function) @ embed.js:1635forEach @ embed.js:106runDefQ @ embed.js:1634onLoadCallback @ embed.js:1451onLoad @ embed.js:1721

    Would you have any idea how I would fix this error? Thanks so much. 
  • Sorry but unfortunately we have no idea how this can be fixed because we are not the author of CF7 plugin. In this case, you should contact with plugin's author. Before that, you can update CF7's files via FTP only because that's the safest way for update. Also you should to know that the problem could be between the plugins as well.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Hi Thanks I just changed the contact form to another plugin to stop the problem happening and everything is working fine. Thanks for your help though. I appreciate it. 
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