Responsive menu tricky to use on desktop


the menu for the site I am building has 3-4 navigational levels.

On full screen the menu works great, however when I get the responsive menu using the menu is very tricky using a mouse.
The menu is expanded on mouse-over / hover - often this happens without intent, making it hard to reach menu points on the bottom.
(see image at the bottom)

How could I (or could you) change this, so that the menu only expands when clicking the "plus / expand" icon?
This would be consistent with the behaviour on mobile devices, which works great.




  • Hi,

    we are trying to understand your thinking but we can't. You are showing us responsive result on desktop? This is not how people are walking around website. On desktops, mobile menu works obviously as you mentioned above (on hover). However, on mobile devices, it will display on click. Please notice that this is the only right way of how responsive menu works. This behave can not be changed at all.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Sorry that you do not understand me. I don't understand why you sound rather dismissive of my problem.

    Look, I am obviously happy with the theme, but I think the menu interaction is not solved idealy complex nav-trees.

    In my experience it's not at all common that complex menus expand on hover when using the mouse on small screen sizes.... which is also why my customer isn't happy, which makes me (your customer) less happy. That's my thinking.

    Here's are some example of a responsive navigations, that expand the nav-tree on click (when using the mouse with small screen size). These work on mobile and on desktop, which is what responsive design is all about.

  • We understand that you may find some new menus somewhere else but unfortunately we do not have such features included. Our items expand on hover on desktop and at this moment we do not have any other solution. All header types are presented on our demo where you can check how each works.
  • I'm in the same boat as El_Zoido and would very much appreciate if a future feature included options for how the menu operates, especially for multi-level navigation trees. The tympanus example he included is great. If you're looking for votes, here's mine, linked from the page he shared:

    Love BeTheme overall. Would love it even more with additional functionality in the menu navigation. Thank you! 
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