SEO | Title not showing up.. could you guess why?

Hello everyone,

Many thanks to Muffin Group for the great BeTheme :-)

Well, here is my issue:
- I have filled the SEO | Title field in the Muffin builder.
- "Hide the content" option is ON on page, and "Use built-in fields" is also ON in Muffin Options > General > SEO.
- I have desactivated YOAST SEO because it didn't add a big value to this work.

Fact is:
- SEO | Keywords prints well on page, as per completed field in Page
- Open graph image prints well too
But SEO | Title doesn't want to show up!
It still prints after the SEO Keywords and OG image as generic dynamic <title> from WordPress (looks like) instead:
<!-- wp_head() -->
<title>#mypagename - #mysitename</title>

Does anyone have an idea about this?
Or even best: a solution ? :-)
I have spent a couple of hours searching on Google & forums before writing this.. maybe have you already faced this?

Many thanks in advance, for your help,



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